Saturday, February 14, 2009

Religious Renaissance

Hey, guys, the last discussion is not yet closed, so you can still comment, but it has been open for a while, so I figured that those who wish to comment already have. This discussion is a bit different. This will be open until everyone who wishes to participate has.

I want to call for a Religious Renaissance. Over the next month in some form or another, I want you to artistically express your religious beliefs, views and experiences. For example, writings, paintings, drawings and photography. Do this within your communities, or online. You can open a free website at and there you can place your artistic expressions of your religion and then come back on this blog to post a link to it so people can go see it. Once you've created a website, there are also many ways to promote it, and I will help. I'll make a video on youtube directing people to your sites. If you choose to go with a host other than freewebs where you have to pay, that's fine too. I'm sure the promotion tools will be stronger.

I hope every one of you will engage in this.

Courage and Honor.
Blessed Be.


  1. Chris,
    I made a wiccan site geared towards wiccans and pagans in college. Thanks for the idea, it was quite fun to make >.<
    blessed be,

  2. Oh, and I didn't post the link. The link is:


  3. Hey, guys, Prince Christopher. Here is a link to the religion section on my photograhy site, I'll add more stuff to soon.

  4. I didn't make a complete website, but do have something setup that is religious:

    If you would rather do the webpage thing, then let me know and I will transfer my stuff over to the free webs thing and set it up there.
